Keeping doctors and nurses safe while providing effective teleconsultation
  • More than 2 lacs farmers reached
  • More than 15,000+ deliveries
  • More than 700+ drone flying hours
  • More than 700+ pilots trained
  • More than 150+ employees
Dozee Image
Current Spray Practice
Smart Imaging
Smart Visualization
  • OPERATOR EXPOSURE (Many operators die and many get poisoned)
Smart Surgical System
  • REQUIRES LOT OF WATER - Conventional spray needs min.150L of good water per acre. This is difficult to arrange in fields.
Drone vs Traditional Spray
Drone vs Traditional Spray
Keeping doctors and nurses safe while providing effective teleconsultation
  • Difficulty faced in spraying PPC on Tall crops like Sugarcane, Wetland crops like Paddy.
  • Difficulty faced in crops on which there are regular sprays required like Chilli, other vegetables & Fruits.
  • Labour Shortage:- Farmers can take service or can spray them self also.
Dozee Image
Agri Product Range Agribot MX
Feature Details
DGCA Approved Yes
Drone Category Medium
Hexacopter Structure Yes
Folded Size (L x B x H) 611mm x 611mm x 580mm
Maximum Height 30 Meters
Lithium Ion Battery (Life: 500 Cycles) Yes
Battery Capacity 25200mAh
Acres per Battery Charge 3
Dashboard – Online Yes
4G Connectivity Yes
Live Data Transmission with Video Yes
Obstacle Detection & Collision Avoidance Yes
Bike Back Carriage No
BackPack Yes

Advanced Features

Quick Spray

1 acre spray in just 7 minutes
(25-30 acres spray in a day)

Limited water usage

Only 8-10 litres of water required in 1 acre

2 in 1 Agri drone

Spray / Broadcast

Safest Agri drone of India

RADAR based Collision Avoidance and Terrain Following

Sr. Subject Value
1 Effectiveness On crops like sugarcane and paddy, the effectiveness is unmatched. Once sugarcane exceeds 7 feet in height, only drones can spray effectively. In paddy fields, drones are the best way to spray without damaging the crop. One drone can spray up to 25 acres in a day.
2 Future With the rise of nano fertilizers and ultra-low-volume (ULV) chemicals, drones are becoming the most effective solution for these advanced agricultural needs.
3 Opportunity After fulfilling personal requirements, a customer can become an agri-entrepreneur or village-level entrepreneur. By providing drone spray services in nearby areas, they can earn up to Rs. 12,000 per day during the spray season.
Sr. Features
1 GCS (Ground Control Station-Remote): Integrated 7-inch touch display, no smartphone needed for the drone.
2 Li-Ion Batteries: World's best Li-ion batteries with up to 500 charging cycles.
3 Essential Safety Features: RADAR-based obstacle detection, terrain following, and smart battery failsafe.
4 Fleet Management: Monitor drone utilization and output via a computer dashboard.
5 Transportation: Easily carried on a bike or in a backpack.
6 Assistance: Help with loan applications under AIF, UIN, insurance, and pilot certification.
7 Sales & Service Network: Available across India.
Services Icon

Multiple Types of Stakeholders Eligible Under AIF

Icon 1


Icon 2

Farmer Groups

Icon 3

Agri Entrepreneurs

Icon 4

Large Businesses

Icon 5

State Agencies


Individual farmers

Farmer Groups

Farmer Producer Organisations, Joint Liability Groups, Self Help Groups, Primary Agricultural Coop Societies

Agri Entrepreneurs

Individual business owners such as millers, exporters, food processors, traders, and storage providers.

Large Businesses

FMCG players, exporters, food processors, equipment manufacturers

State Agencies

APMCs, Federations of FPOs, SHGs, Cooperatives, State Warehousing Corporations

AIF Portal - Simple Online Application Process Setup for the Scheme

Visit AIF Platform
Max 60 days
Step 1 Image

Applicant registers on the online portal, fills application, and submits DPR

Step 2 Image

AIF team verifies application and transfers to bank branch for appraisal

Step 3 Image

Bank regularly checks AIF portal / coordinates with nodal officer to access submitted applications

Step 4 Image

Application verified by bank, registered on CGTMSE & sanctioned; disbursements as per schedule

Step 5 Image

Bank submits claim to MoA on a quarterly basis for interest subvention & credit guarantee fee

Step 6 Image

GOI transfers interest subvention & credit guarantee fee to banks

Services Icon

Existing Loan Details (If Any)

  • Types of Facility - Cash Credit, Term Loan, and Others
  • Name of Bank and Branch
  • Limits
  • Rate of Interest
  • Repayment Terms
  • Purpose

Required Credentials for Data Verifications & DPR

  • Aadhar Card of 3 Directors
  • PAN Card of 3 Directors
  • PAN Number of Company
  • Registration Number of Applicant/CIN
  • Date of Establishment/Incorporation
  • Address of the Registered Office
  • Address of 3 Directors
  • Contact Number of 3 Directors
  • Email ID of 3 Directors
  • Academic & Technical Qualifications of 3 Directors
  • DIN Number of 3 Directors
  • Shareholding of 3 Directors
  • Cancelled Bank Check/Photocopy of the Passbook of Lending Bank

Detailing of Proposal

For Understanding Only

Sr Topic Explanation
1 Nano Fertiliser Urea and DAP are now coming in NANO form. Urea- Granular dose per acre was 45kg, DAP was 27kg. Now in Nano-Urea and Nano-DAP dose is 500ml per acre. Best results of Nano-Urea and Nano-DAP are observed by drone only.
2 Chemicals – ULV In India, it is observed that pests are building immunity against Generic molecules of insecticides. New formulations are required to control immune pests. These new formulations are now coming in ULV (Ultra-low volume form). Dose of ULV per acre would be as low as 50ml. In this case also, as drone sprays are very fine, the efficacy of ULV is observed best with drones. Most of the new chemicals being registered in India are ULVs and companies like Syngenta, Bayer are taking it with Drone as spraying method on “LABEL”.
3 Finance Most affordable and safe loan in India. No security required.
4 Govt Push Government is launching many schemes to promote drones. Reasons are simple:
  • When consumption of Nano-Urea and Nano-DAP increases, then Govt will save huge money, which is going in subsidy provided on UREA (about 2 lakh crore per year).
  • Soil protection can be ensured with drones as dose and spray are controlled scientifically.
  • As spray volume is controlled, so residue of chemical on crops is within permissible limits. This saves the health of consumers.
  • With the implementation of drones, there will be 90% savings in water being used for spray applications.
  • With advanced drone-based farm mechanization, farmers' resources will be saved and output, yield will increase.


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